Monday, November 27, 2017

When Do Problems On The Face Become More Than Just A Beauty Issue?

We’ve all had bad skin days. Blemishes, marks, and discoloration are common beauty issues that many of us work to keep under control on a daily basis. Unwanted hair, unusual growths, and features we aren't happy about may also be problems we seek out beauty solutions for. How do you know when these issues become more than cosmetic or beauty problems?

Fixing Features
Sometimes an injury, illness, or infection can alter your features so much that your senses might be impaired. For example, if your nose is impaired, it’s not just your sense of smell that might be at risk; a deviated septum can leave you prone to nasal or sinus infection. It can even affect how you breathe.

If you feel this is a problem for you, then it’s worth having it checked out by your doctor. Often a consultant surgeon will get involved who is a specialist in the types of rhinoplasty required to resolve these issues. Of course with the magic of makeup, there are several makeup techniques to help you make more or less of your features. Just keep in mind that if certain facial features are affecting your health, it might be time to speak to a professional for advice and treatment.

When is a blemish not a blemish?

When is a pimple not just a pimple anymore? When it’s infected or when it’s a boil. A well known and very common bacteria called staphylococcus is often to blame when we have a boil. They are most commonly found on your buttocks because there is often excessive friction on the skin from your clothing here. They can appear on your neck and your back for the same reason. These boils are highly contagious so wash your hands thoroughly and don’t share clothes, bedding or towels with others.

Unlike acne or pimples, boils are deep under the skin and cause significant swelling and inflammation. They might go on their own after a week or so, but they are incredibly painful and quite unsightly. If one appears on your face, you must seek medical attention. This position is more serious when lower down the body as the infection can reach more vulnerable areas. The boil might need to be drained. This should be performed in a sterile environment by a medical professional.

Sometimes the infection needs to be treated with antibiotics. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people carry this bacteria, without ever knowing it so hep reduce the spread of these problems with a gentle antibacterial soap and regular hand washing. Also, try to avoid touching your skin and nose as this is where the bacteria can be most often found.

White Spots?
Lots of white spots on your face could be a sign that you have milia. These are usually harmless. These tiny, hard, white spots don’t look good, though, and they can feel raised. It is thought they are most often caused by dead skin cells that haven’t been able to shed or slough away on their own. One way to reduce the occurrence of these is to use a facial scrub two or three times per week. This helps boost the circulation of the skin too.

If you have these little white spots around your eye, they can become a little sore. These might also be a sign that your cholesterol levels are high. If you have any milia that are proving problematic, speak to your doctor for advice. They might take a blood test just to be sure there is nothing else going on there. In the meantime, try plenty of exercise and an all-natural diet for a while to see if your skin will improve.

Moles or Beauty Marks?
Any darker patch of skin should be regularly monitored for signs of change. Moles or beauty marks can sometimes be an indicator of skin cancer. This can be caused by sunbathing or using tanning beds. You can reduce the risk of this happening by always using sunblock or UVA and UVB protection. If any of your moles change color, shape or size, consult a doctor immediately. If you notice new ones appearing, speak to a doctor to confirm your skin is healthy.

Thanks for reading!

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This post was written by a contributing author in collaboration with

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